Fraud detection

Don't be fall victim to fraudsters


The Fraud Detection module of Proxedo API Lifecycle Platform (PALP) offers a best-in-class solution to reduce the cost, time, and challenges of fraud in online financial transactions. It allows you to harness device fingerprinting and enrich incoming data with alternate sources to provide the greatest possible accuracy and detailed information about transactions.

Don't be fall victim to fraudsters

Online frauds skyrocketing

The growing number of phishing attacks results in a growing number of ATO attacks

The growing number of phishing attacks results in a growing number of ATO attacks

Payment fraud reaches $7bn in the e-commerce industry alone

Payment fraud reaches $7bn in the e-commerce industry alone

Manual fraud review processes may account for a quarter of fraud budgets

Manual fraud review processes may account for a quarter of fraud budgets

Promo offers attract more and more fraudsters

Promo offers attract more and more fraudsters

Friendly fraud is on the rise

Friendly fraud is on the rise

Online financial frauds are on the rise globally. Detecting fraudulent transactions needs specialized tools, though. These transactions should be stopped in transit to prevent financial damages. Customer confidence can be easily shaken, which can cause reputation damage to the service provider.

The growing number of phishing attacks results in a growing number of ATO attacks

The growing number of phishing attacks results in a growing number of ATO attacks

Payment fraud reaches $7bn in the e-commerce industry alone

Payment fraud reaches $7bn in the e-commerce industry alone

Manual fraud review processes may account for a quarter of fraud budgets

Manual fraud review processes may account for a quarter of fraud budgets

Promo offers attract more and more fraudsters

Promo offers attract more and more fraudsters

Friendly fraud is on the rise

Friendly fraud is on the rise

How we can help you

Fraud Detection

The Fraud Detection module of Proxedo API Lifecycle Platform (PALP) adds an extra security layer to your API environment. It provides an accurate, automated evaluation of all audited transactions and offers a best-in-class solution to reduce the cost, time, and challenges due to online financial fraud. It helps you to prevent various attack vectors, including phishing or identity theft.

Fraud Detection

Digital footprints evaluate transactions


We use alternative data sources such as digital footprints for evaluation. For example, a public social media account can be linked to an email or phone, but it can also reveal whether it was affected by previous data leaks – based on which we can deduce the age of the mail account.

Machine learning algorithms protect you


From the domain name, IP address, location, and many other pieces of data that are part of each such transaction, our automated machine learning algorithm draws correlations and reports if certain transactions show suspicious signs. This evaluation and scoring process helps you identify potentially fraudulent activities.

Are you ready to get started?

See the Fraud Detection module of Proxedo API Lifecycle Platform (PALP) in action.